Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The BIG Thank You --- Writing Letters to the Troops

Hey Guys,

So I have a BIG favor to ask of you all!!  I know, I know, it's only my second post and I'm already asking for favors.  However, what I'm asking is for your to help spread some love and thanks to our American troops deployed overseas AND work on letter writing skills in your classroom or with your children at home!

A local Atlanta radio  morning show, The Bert Show on Q100, hosts The BIG Thank You campaign each year!  The purpose of The Big Thank You, is to get a heartfelt, handwritten letter into the hands of every service man and woman deployed outside of the United States on Thanksgiving Day!  You can read all about this letter writing campaign at: The Bert Show's Big Thank You.

I LOVE that this project can spread some love to those serving and protecting our country, while also providing an opportunity to hit some important writing standards in the classroom!  Most of the staff, students, and school families at my awesome elementary school participate in this project, and I've made it easy for you and your students to participate too!

Please download the packet below as a FREEBIE from my TPT store, or by clicking on the Google Docs link below!  This packet includes all of the directions, teacher tips, sample homework/parent letter, and letter writing templates that you need to get this project going in your classroom!  What a special way to teach our students to have gratitude for our freedom!

Please send this information out to your other teacher friends!  Get your school, church, temple, sorority, fraternity, business, etc. to write letters to our troops! 

All letters should be received by October 30th!  So download, read the directions, and get busy writing your letters of gratitude!

The BIG Thank You Project

 If this is a project that you can tackle with your classroom, please leave me a note/comment below, or e-mail me at theowlteach@gmail.com!

Hootfully yours,


Sunday, September 28, 2014

The First Hoot from The Owl Teach!

Ahhhhhhh! I'm SO excited to finally be launching The Owl Teach blog! Becoming a teacher blogger has been a personal goal for quite some time. I have read and followed countless other amazing teachers over the past several years, learned from them, laughed with them, but I just wasn't ready to take the leap of faith that I could also share my experiences in teaching! However, I'm blessed with some of the most amazingly supportive family and friends, who gave me the push of confidence I needed. So The Owl Teach was born!

As in most things in teaching (or life really), getting this blog up and running did not go as planned. I had the PERFECT plan in fact, the grandparents would keep the baby for a weekend, while my husband and I would watch videos and read tutorials to design the cutest blog ever.  Sounds easy enough, I mean I had pinned dozens of "how to" articles about blogging, we are relatively tech savvy, easy as pie we thought! I created my logo, had my design concept in mind, all we needed to do was write the code to put everything in place. Nine hours of frustration later...I was scouring the web for blog design company options...hubs and I were willing to pay just about ANYTHING to have someone else take on this job for us! So we can thank the design team, especially my fabulous designer Corinne, from The Cutest Blog on the Block, who took my vision and brought it to life! Seriously, if you are looking for a fresh look for your blog, website, etc. check them out!

Moving forward I plan to share my experiences in and out of the classroom with you, hopefully, with a slightly humorous twist...which is how I try to look at life day to day. If I couldn't laugh, I might just go crazy! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you'll visit often! Check out my TPT store and follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!  I'm looking forward to meeting and talking to so many other awesome teachers!

Hootfully yours,
