Sunday, February 8, 2015

Love is in the Air

Looks like my New Year's Resolution to blog more is already at a slow start...but I do aim to do better!  January came and went so quickly and with the start of February, I truly believed that the to-do lists at home and school would get a little shorter and things would slow down some.  In fact, this past Friday, I was feeling great that I would be leaving school with copies for the following week made, work graded, plans completed, etc.  That's when my assistant principal walked in for an unannounced observation...NO BIG DEAL I said to myself!  After all, I was well-planned and doing what I should be doing!  That's when one of my sweet owlets got sick all over the back of the room--feet from that same assistant principal.  Poor sweet baby!  So my understanding administrator decided she would call for clean-up and come back another time!  Then we just laughed at how this might go down as the best observation of the year!

That being said, I'm happy to have a fresh start this week!  Of course just days before Valentine's Day, love is in the air.  I don't know about you, but my each year I'm faced with a set of students who have food allergies or diet restrictions, which can make shopping for pre-made Valentine's cards/treats a little difficult!  So this year, I found adorable packs of mini-mazes in sets of 18 for $5 in the party section at Target.  I bought a few packs, whipped up these cute tags, and have my Valentine's Day cards for the kids ready to go!  SO CUTE!

My sweet owlets are going to be doing some Valentine's Day themed problem solving this week!  QR Codes are all the rage in my classroom right now!  Students LOVE to solve problems IF they can then go check their own answers using a QR Code Scanner and iPad!  This set comes with everything you need for your students to LOVE problem solving too!

I would LOVE for you to check out all the other Valentine's Day items in my TPT store, which will be on sale (20% off) through Tuesday!  Even my Valentine's Math and Literacy Center Bundle is on sale!  It includes 8 complete centers--4 MATH and 4 LITERACY on sale for just $6.40! 

Hope that you find some LOVE in the air this week too!

Hootfully yours,


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