Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tell All Tuesday- Summer Snapshot

It's STEAMING hot in the Peach State this week, which is the perfect reason to stay indoors and link up with My Day in K and Teach. Talk. Inspire. again this week for Tell All Tuesday:  Summer Snapshot Edition!  

For almost 30 years my family and I have vacationed at the beautiful Jekyll Island on the coast of Georgia.  It is a tiny island (only 14 miles), with few of the "attractions" of other islands, but it is quiet, peaceful, and special to our family.  Legend on the island says that once your feet touch the sand on Jekyll, you'll always return there...and we have.  Luckily for me, my husband fell in love with the island too, and last year we took our son for the first time.  The island has had a good bit of new building and renovations done in the past year, so we're expecting some big changes when we head south in July, but I simply can't wait to unplug and enjoy our family time on our favorite little getaway!

This picture includes sunset on the fishing pier, a funky driftwood tree, and my little guy looking at the ocean last summer!  

I can't wait to hear about everyone else's favorite summer memories and landing spots!

Hootfully yours,



  1. Great memories! Thanks for sharing!
    All the best,

  2. Georgia has great beaches! Love your snapshot!
    Ashley and Brooklynn

  3. Lindsay, that sounds like such a fun tradition. The pictures looked beautiful. I think I told you last week when you linked up, but I just love your blog. So cute! Thanks for taking the time to link up with us. :)

  4. Love the beach! Your pictures look beautiful! How wonderful that you are continuing the tradition with your son. Enjoy your beach time in July!

    Luv My Kinders
