Friday, June 26, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge: Dare to Dream

I'm linking up for the 2nd week of the TPT Seller Challenge from the ladies of Sparkling in SecondThird in Hollywood, Peppy Zesty Teacherista, and Teach Create Motivate.

This week's theme was DARE to DREAM.  Here are my dreams for growing my TPT and blogging business!

1.  TPT VEGAS 2016
I am so bummed not to be able to attend this year's Vegas event!  So many amazing teachers that I follow and admire will be there.  I would love to meet new friends and learn from other amazing educators.  I definitely have a major case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) this year, but next year is going to be on the top of my priorities for saving and planning next summer!

2.  Pay off Debt
My husband and I would love to pay off car loans, medical debt, etc.  We are fortunate enough not to have student loans, but we have other debt that we are working hard to make disappear!  I would love for my TPT business to help us pay off what we owe quickly, so that we can live with more financial freedom!

3.  Save for a NEW House
We would love to start saving for our forever home.  We like our current house, but it is about 45 minutes from my school--which makes for a LONG commute.  We'd love something a little bigger, with a little more land for our family.  

4.  Become a Stay at Home Mom
I have the CUTEST, SWEETEST, SMARTEST, FUNNIEST, little boy in the whole entire world---that's not even my bias talking---it's the truth!  I'm so lucky that he can stay with my parents 2 days a week and has an amazing babysitter the rest of the week while I am teaching.  However, I want to be home with him.  I want to be his room mom when he starts school, and be Mystery Reader in his class, and go on field trips.  I would love for TPT to help supplement my husband's income to make this life long dream a real possibility.

5.  Live Generously
One of my 2 main love languages is gifts...I love giving and doing for others.  I don't expect big, fancy, expensive gifts in return, but I love giving of myself and my talents to my friends, families, and those less fortunate.  I want to do more of this in life to spread joy and happiness.

I loved thinking about my dreams this week, as it helps me to goal-set, plan, and start working towards making these BIG DREAMS come true!  Can't wait to read about everyone else's dreams!

Hootfully yours,


  1. Thank you for sharing your dreams! I hope that you can be home with your little boy soon :)


  2. LOVE your goals, Lindsay! I especially love your "Live Generously" goal! I think we often forget that we should give back what we've been blessed with, but it seems like you have your priorities in place! Thanks for sharing!
    Very Perry Classroom
