Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Back to School BASH! Week 1: Classroom Set-Up and Organization

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!  Wow!  I can't believe how FAST this summer flew by, but I've had a few days to get back into the swing of things during pre-planning at my school!  I'm so excited to be partnering up with some of my new blogger buddies to bring to you a BACK TO SCHOOL BASH Linky Series and Giveaway!

This week, we're going to share all about our Classroom Set-Ups and Organization!  Here's a peek into my 2015-2016 Classroom:  SPOILER ALERT---My Room is a WORK IN PROGRESS!  The past few years, I've made little to no changes to my classroom decor and set-up, as I was very sick after having my little boy, and I simply couldn't put together something new on my own.

This year, I wanted to keep with my owls theme, but make it brighter, more colorful, and just re-vamp my whole look for a fresher, more chic style.  Therefore, I recreated my own owl decor and added my 2 other loves:  burlap and bunting!  Here's what I've got so far:

So for my only true bulletin board in my classroom, I've used a beautiful avocado burlap on the back of my board with hot pink and brown border!  I love the pop of pink.  The tree in the middle is made of wood-grain contact paper.  It is to have bright, patterned leaves and little owls with my students' names on them!  I am in love with the burlap Writing and Word Study bunting banners my mom made as headers!  I *BIG PUFFY HEART* burlap & bunting!  Above my boards is my 0-100 number line and my brand new Bright Owls Alphabet--I bit the bullet and paid to print my new owl decor at Office Max and it was worth every penny!  The colors really POP and I didn't use 6 ink cartridges!

The heart & soul of my classroom is my library!  I am a BOOK hoarder...I mean this is a call A&E and sign me up for Intervention book buyer situation.  I am also very particular about how I organize and keep my books.  I am a teeny-tiny bit OCD, so I use a simple color-coding system.  Pink book bins = series books, green book bins = fictional books (leveled and non-leveled) and blue book bins = nonfiction books (leveled and non-leveled).  Since many owls live in trees, I simply had to use my huge IKEA leaves to create an "under the trees" feel when reading.  What you can't see are my bright, movable milk crate seats, which my students LOVE moving all over the room to read!

Here is my new math wall, game organization bins, and manipulative organization system!  My kids play A LOT of math games.  We do something similar to "Daily 5 Math", but with my own spin on it!  I plan to blog soon all about how I handle math workshop!  Below is a close-up of my math game storage!

This is half of my magnetic white board, which I have set-up with manipulative Fundations sound cards, a new area to turn-in work, and my math group assignments.  I have my new Bright Owls Ten Frames above my white boards!

Here is my small group area, with my guided reading materials in a shelf behind my chair.  Disregard the complete mess on the counter behind my table.  After I finish this section of my room, I'll post more pictures here!

Last but not least, I've included a close-up of my student writing supplies station!  This includes paper choices, construction paper for publishing, and all of our extra class supplies!

I hope to post later how I organize my teacher space and more, but I am so proud of how much I've gotten accomplished on my revamp in 2 short days!  It would not have happened without all of the help from my AMAZING family!

So, when I asked for some help co-hosting this Linky Series, I was blown away that so many teacher friends would want to help!  So, we decided to do a few little giveaways.  The first is for a BUNDLE of some of our FAVORITE TPT Products from our stores!  Get in on the Giveaway Action by entering below!  This giveaway will close on Friday, August 7, 2015!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please feel free to link-up with us and share your AMAZING Classroom Set-Up and Organization Ideas!  We simply ask that you follow these simple rules:
  • Save the images above and use them on your post to link back to our party!
  • Enter your link below and encourage your friends to do the same!
  • Be a friendly blogger--> visit other blogs in the Linky party and leave thoughtful commentary to the 2 blogs ahead of you and at least 1 behind you!
I'm excited to hear from all of you!

Hootfully yours,



  1. I love your room!!! My room, too, is a work in progress. I am so thankful you included me in this blog linky party! I can't wait to meet everyone and see what they are up to in their own rooms!


  2. Lindsay~ You look SO ready!!! Your room is A--mazing and we can't believe you've done all that in 2 weeks! We are still VERY busy getting our room ready. Thanks SO much for organizing our Linky Party. You are a doll!
    Love & Hugs~ Victoria & Tricia♥♥♥

  3. So excited to be hosting this Linky party with you. Your classroom looks ready to go! I am impressed with all the creativity!

  4. I just LOVE the colors of your classroom. Everything is meticulously decorated! It's such a warm and inviting classroom. Your students will love it!
    Learning Is Something To Treasure

  5. I absolutely LOVE your room! It looks so colorful and inviting! I too am a book hoarder! My only problem is that I'm running out of library space! Good luck finishing your room! It's absolutely beautiful!
